Sonny With a Chance Wiki
  • The Next Day*

Sonny: *sleeping*

Chad: *knocks on her bedroom door* Knock, knock!

Sonny: *no response, turns around*

Chad: *sits on her bed* Sonny?

Sonny: *opens her eyes, sees Chad, smiles* Oh, hey. What's up? *sits up*

Chad: *smiles* I missed you. *kisses her*

Sonny: *checks her watch* It's 2:30 in the morning.

Chad: Oh, I knew that. See you later, Sonshine. *leaves*

Sonny: Chad! Stay here! Get in bed! *moves over*

Chad: *jumps into her bed, puts his arms around Sonny* I love you, Sonshine.

Sonny: I love you too, Chad. *kisses him, falls back asleep. Thinks: Chad makes me feel special. Whenever I'm with him, I feel protected. I feel as if he's 'The One'. I wonder if he feels the same way aboout me as well.*

Chad: *Thinks: Sonny makes me feel special. Whenever I'm with her, I feel protected. I feel as if she's 'The One'. I wonder if she feels the same way about me as well.*

  • 5 Hours Later at 7:30*
  • Sonny's alarm clock goes off*

Sonny: *shoots up* Chad! Wake up! *shaking him*

Chad: *gets up* What? *mean tone*

Sonny: Wow, someone's pushy. *sarcastic*

Chad: What time is it?

Sonny: 7:30. Come on. We need to be at the studio in an hour. *gets up, goes to her closet, finds clothes*

Chad: *looks down at his shirt and jeans* Shoot, they're all wrinkled. Does your dad have any clothes that you think will fit me?

Sonny: *bites her lip* If you wanna go to San Francisco, my dad has some stuff. After my parents divorced, my dad moved to San Fran. I go there for Spring Break, Winter Break, Thanksgiving Break, Summer Break, Fall Break, and any other school holidays. I also go up there sometimes during long weekends. Sorry.

Chad: It's alright, Sonbeam. I'll just stop at the Target across the street from work.

Sonny: *puts her sweater on, grabs her iPhone and purse* Let's go.

Chad: *blown away by Sonny, takes her hand with their fingers intertwined with each others* Yeah, let's go. *leads her to his car*

  • Channy Get To The Studio*

Sonny: *fiddling with her iPhone, sending a text message* Chad?

Chad: *finding a place to park* I'll drop you off at the door, and I'll find a place to park. *drives to the main entrance*

Sonny: Thanks, Chad. *kisses him on the cheek, gets out of the car, walks inside the studio*

Chad: Love you!

Sonny: *about the open the door* Love you, too. Bye! *goes inside*

Chad: *drives to find a place to park*

  • Inside the Studio*

Sonny: *goes to her dressing room, sees Nico* Hey, Nico.

Nico: *looks up from his BlackBerry, sees Sonny* Hey, Sonny. Selena was looking for you. She's in her dressing room if you wanna see her.

Sonny: Thanks. Have you seen Tawni? *looks around*

Nico: *shakes his head* No, sorry, Sonny. If I see her, I'll tell her you were looking for her.

Sonny: Thanks, Nico. *hugs him quickly, runs to Selena's dressing room*

Selena: *in her dressing room, staring at the door, frustrated* Where is Sonny? *worried*

Sonny: *comes barging in* Hey, Selena!

Selena: Sonny! Thank goodness you're here! I needed you so much! *hugs her*

Sonny: *confused* Selena, are you okay?

Selena: I'm fine. Why?

Sonny: *bites down hard on her lip* You seem a little stranger than normal, Sel.

Selena: *voice gets high* What? Son, that's crazy! *lying*

Sonny: Selena? Is there something you're not telling me?

Selena: *lying again* No! Of course not! *voice gets high again*

PA System Goes Off

PA System: Sonny Munroe, you're needed in Marshall Pike's office. Sonny Munroe.

Sonny: I'll see you later, Sel. *leaves*

In Marshall's Office

Sonny: You had to see me, Marshall?

Marshall: *sees Sonny* Sonny, take a seat please.

Sonny: What is it?

Marshall: It seems that because you and Chad have gotten back together, you have been blowing off rehearsal. So, I will not let you see Chad during rehearsal times. You can see him during lunch and in the morning, that's fine, but, you cannot see him from 10:00-3:00. Understood?

Sonny: Understood. Anything else?

Marshall: Well, yes. You see, Sonny, Cassie has not been feeling too well ever since Chad dumped her, and I want you to help her feel better by hanging out with her. Can you do that for me?

Sonny: *Thinks: Not really* Sure. I'll do it.

Marshall: Good. You're needed on the set. You may go.

Sonny: Thanks, Marshall. *leaves, bumps into Chad*

Chad: Hey.

Sonny: Hey. I can't really talk right now. Marshall gave me important guidelines.

Chad: What are those guidelines?

Sonny: I can't see you between 10 and 3. Marshall has seemed to notice I have been blowing off rehearsal to spend time with you. I can see you during lunch and in the morning, but I can't see you during rehearsal.

Chad: *hurt* I can't go without you for 6 minutes, let alone for 6 hours. I just can't do it.

Sonny: *touched* Aw. That's so sweet. I have to go. I'm needed on the set, but, I'll see you at lunch, okay?

Chad: Okay. Bye. *hugs her*

Sonny: *hugs back* Bye. *leaves*

On The Set

Cast for this sketch:

Tawni as: McKenna Smith

Zora as: Chloe Fitzgerald

Sonny as: Abby Glass

Nico as: Robert 'Bobby' Copper

Grady as: Mickey Glass


McKenna: Abby, I can't believe Bobby likes you! I would much rather he likes Chloe.

Abby: Chloe's your sister!

Bobby: *comes in* Hey, McKenna. Hey, sweetcheeks.

Abby: *disgusted* Hey, Bobby.

McKenna: What do you want, Bobby?

Bobby: Abby. That's what I want.

McKenna: Well, guess what, you're not getting her!

Abby: McKenna, I can handle this on my own. Bobby, you're not getting me. I know I just quoted what McKenna said, but, still, you're not getting me!

Bobby: Well, I'm sure Mickey will have to convince you I'm the guy for you.

Abby: Yeah, I'm sure you'd be the right guy for Oskar the chimpanzee.

McKenna: Let's go, Abby. He's not worth our time.

Chloe: *comes in* I'll be the judge of that.

Abby: What do you want, Chloe? McKenna and I are just trying to get to class.

Chloe: Where's your brother?

Abby: At home, wishing he had dignity to tell a girl he likes her. Quite frankly, I think it would be best if he stayed at home with his racecar bed and all his action figures.

Mickey: ABBY! That's secret!

Abby: I'm 5 minutes older than you, and I am way more mature than you.

McKenna: Abby, let's go, we're going to be late for dinner. Not dinner, class.

Abby: Okay, besides talking to my brother is like stabbing a rotisserie chicken after it's dropped on the floor. Let's go.

Marshall: CUT! Lunch break everyone.

Sonny: Yes! Now I can go see Chad! Bye everyone! *leaves*

Tawni: *watches Sonny leave* Wow. She's desperate to see Chad.

  • With Sonny*

Sonny: *walks into cafeteria, sees someone who looks alot like Chad kissing someone, goes closer to the guy and notices it's Chad, says nothing*

???: Chad, that was the best makeout session I've had in my life!

Chad: Cassie, look, I know we had a thing, but, it's over. See you around. *sees Sonny* Sonny! Hey! *tries to kiss her*

Sonny: *backs away* We need to talk.

Chad: *confused* What about?

Sonny: *gulps* About....

Chad: Do you mean-

Sonny: Yes. *hurt* Chad, I saw you kissing Cassie.

Chad: She kissed me. I kissed back because I didn't want to hurt her.

Sonny: Well, I guess the only person you did hurt was me. Chad, I can't do this. I mean, you know there will be more girls, more kissing, more everything. I don't know what to do about it. I think the best thing for us is to break up. Cassie seems as if she's still into you, and you're still into her, so, it's better that way. I'm sorry.

Chad: *hurt* Sonny, please. Don't do this.

Sonny: Why? So you can break my heart? Chad, we're done. I'm sorry.

Chad: I'm sorry this had to happen.

Sonny: You're not sorry. Just leave me alone. *leaves*

A Few Hours Later

Sonny: *crying on her mom's shoulders* I never expected this would happen.

Connie: What you did was the right thing and I admire you for that

Sonny: Yeah, but, the result wasn't what I wanted.

Connie: Baby, there will be more guys.

Sonny: *sits up* But, what if I want this one?

Connie: Well, you'll just have to deal with that, won't you.

Sonny: Yeah. I guess so.

  • Knock on the door*

Sonny: *opens it* I don't want to talk to you.

Chad: You don't have to talk. Just hear me out.

Connie: I'll just leave you two alone. *leaves*

Sonny: *to Chad* What?

Chad: Sit down.

Sonny: *sits*

Chad: *opens his guitar case* I want to play you a song. *sits next to her on the couch*

Sonny: *scooches over, makes room for Chad*

Chad: This song is called 'How We Do This'. *starts to play the song*

Sonny: *smiles, thinks about all the memories she's had with Chad*

2 Minutes Later, Song Ends

Sonny: That was the sweetest song I've ever heard.

Chad: I'm glad you liked it. *leans in*

Sonny: *backs away* But, that doesn't mean I forgive you. Well, maybe it does. I'm not sure.

Chad: Sonny, I still love you. Do you love me?

Sonny: Yes. Yes I still love you. *leans in*

Chad: *leans in*

Sonny: *presses her lips against his*

Channy: *kissing*

Sonny: *gets on top of Chad, kissing him*

Chad: *kisses back, wrapping his arms around Sonny and pulls her towards him*

5 Minutes Later, They Stop Kissing

Sonny: *pulls away* I love you.

Chad: *smiles* I love you, too.

Sonny: *still on top of him, smiles back, kisses him for 5 seconds, pulls away*

Chad: *kisses her cheek*

Sonny: *Gets off of him, lays her head on his shoulder*

Chad: *wraps both arms around her*

Sonny: *kicks her legs onto him, falls asleep*

Chad: *falls asleep, still holding her*

The Next Morning

Sonny: *wakes up, sees Chad* Morning.

Chad: *wakes up* Morning, beautful. *kisses her softly*

Sonny: *kisses back, then pulls away* What time is it?

Chad: 10:30.

Sonny: *eyes widen* 10:30? We gotta go to the studio! NOW!

Channy: *get up holding hands and run out Sonny's apartment, both fall, laughing*

Aw! Wasn't That Last Scene CUTE?
